Roberts Set To Quit?
Pirate Roberts Set To Quit?
Recently In Avonmora - A well known Individual that goes by the name of Pirate Roberts is going to retire from Piracy,and Avonmora itself. After a good year, of being in Avonmora - Getting to know a few players here and there, whilst causing destruction, of course!
Now, when asked why is Pirate Roberts quitting, all he had to say was the following:
" I believe, I have completed all my Targets that I had set to achieve in the first place - Such as reaching Number one in Total Battles Won.
Whilst of course - I will also say they are no threats to me : After The Pirate Kings had all gone inactive, FoX licking up tehre wounds, I decided, maybe its time for me to leave."
Yet, many civillians and Vet's believe - Roberts is to come back, for he has done a similar Strategy against The Pirate Kings went inactive, fooled some of Avonmora - Then came back kicking, so they could be right - He could be saving up on Voodoo to hit his recent enemys SSTG...
A majority of Avonmora believes - Roberts is telling the truth - He is leaving the game, it makes sense for him to leave now there is no enemys whilst also - Would he be stocking up on voodoo when he has just Sold 2,000 Voodoo Cards or, selling rather.
Now, what do you think? Is Roberts lying again, or do you think he is up to something bad? Opinions are welcome!
Many Thanks,
Mr Roberts!