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Jim Hawkins Interview!

Host : Pirate Roberts ( White Color)

Guest : Jim Hawkins ( Red Color )

Ahoy there Jim Hawkins, Please take a seat I hope your Journey was not to rough getting here... After all, you did travel many hours in your Fine Ship Of The Line!

* Jim Hawkins Sits down *

1) Please, tell us about your Journey To Avonmora ( You can make it up if you wish ) Of how you arrived and expected when you first lied eyes in Avonmora? Was you looking for your long lost love or was you going on a voyage?


I am 69 years old and have been playing computer games since the zx spectrum came out and on the internet since day 1. I have played most games to some extent the most involved being "T??b?l wars" where I spent days and nights on it. Then stumbling upon Pirates Glory I found where you could get involved as much or as little as you wanted. I like the political and tactical challenges of try to earn and keep your gold at the same time as trying to keep your ports.

A good answer to the Question and opinion of this world!

2) Judging by your Player ID you have been here quite some time. Can you tell us how long you have been here? A rough approximation at least.

I joined in may 2011 so I have been here 4 years 4 months.


Damn, So Quiet a long time : When you think about it!

3) In the game, they are different types of players : They are Pirates ,Merchants ,Privateers and Nobilists which one would you class yourself as? A noble or a Merchant? As your influence is quite high in comparison to other players... As does your ship count ( Over 700 )

At the moment I am a merchant. I have been a king and for a short while a pirate. I might change again. who knows.

Aye, personally I would of guessed you chose that : But hey, never know.. I can imagine it now " Pirate Hawkins "... Such things brings shivers down my back!

4) Logic Question - A little break from all these Questions, Why would a man who is known and respected by everybody ask/tell everybody to forget his name,who he is and the good deeds he has done? What are your thoughts on this?

 I changed from Sir Edward Collier to Jim hawkins when I abdicate as king of Barbados. Jim is a lowly man humble and abiding SECs' alter ego.

5a) I remember Once - You were in ZomB , If i remember Correctly, it was when you ran Barbados what actually happened for you to leave ZomB?


 Zombie was and I think still is a good guild. When nations emerged I was given a choice join Midway to show my allegiance to Zombie and lose my Barbados friends or leave. I left. I am a man of principle. 

5b) After you left ZomB, you went into ATC : After a month or two later Barbados Ports fell : May I ask what actually happened on the Inside Of Barbados? 

Barbados was being squeezed by Spain in the east and Midway in the west and was consuming treasury gold faster than making it to try and hang on to its ports. We collectively decided that Midway was a no no so most of us joined Spain. This caused a lot of heartache and trouble among some Spanish members but boy did it liven the game up.

6) What is your most liked feature about the game? Which of the features such as Hideout, Fishing do you like and why? 

The part of this game I like best is not a feature, it trying to make as much gold as possible using whatever means at my disposal. Working out best trade routes. best fishing. Buy and sell voodoo etc.


Aye - As a pirate I ( Pirate Roberts ) I have never really had to deal with best trade routes : But I know about the buy and sell voodoo ;)

7) Which Implementation do you dislike the most about the game? Skirmish? Are their any Implementations where you wish you was not playing? 


All developments are a challenge to adapt and change to keep your place on the ladder I don,t dislike any part of the game.


Fair enough - That is your opinion, but Admins : Jim hawkins says you are doing the right thing, well done!

8) If you had a chance : To change anything in the game, what would it be? Feature wise? Player wise or?

One development I would like to see is the ability for ships to attack ports and ports to have gun emplacements to defend. The ports being able to upgrade there cannon

Aye, this has been mentioned before so many times : We can only hope this takes place!

9) To all those Merchants out there, that want to be on the Top 10 Leader Board, What words of wisdom do you have for them? Any Tips? Do you need hoards of voodoo to be on Top 10 or just luck?

This is the most difficult question to answer. Loads of voodoo def helps but costs real money. Slow and steady is the other way keep your head down build cheap fleets and no warships for pirates to steal but that could be boring. The beauty of this game is there are so many ways to play and so may leader boards to climb. No one can be top of every leader board.

Some fine advice from a Sucessful Merchant as well all know!

10) What are your opinions on the following: What is your definition on them?


Pirates - Don't like to work would rather take other people's hard earned gold
Merchants - The building blocks of society
Nobelists - Like to hear their own voice
Privateers -  Not so many about now.


A fine Definition of all! Regarding Privateers that is very true I suppose : I can only name one that i can tell you is a privateer!


11) Logic - If the past is the past, the present is the past, what moment are we in?

Well now? Right?

12) What do you think the future holds of Avonmora? Will it be ran by Merchants or Pirates?

It will be run by nations - As always, ever since Nations and Ports could be controlled - Nations held ports.

13) Are you a fan of Avonmora Daily? If so, what do you like best about it? 

Yes it adds another dimension to the game : Which some players may not know about!

14) Name a time, when you remember a Victorious moment, such as taking a ship of the line? Maybe becomming the number one Shipmaster in Avonmora?

In one of my madder moments having a DR of over 1000 points

Ah, I see : That is heart racing - I have once had 4 fleets all at 250 DR points but then again , I normally have really nothing in my Golden Purse : So, nothing really to loose...

15) When people mention you : Or see you in Port Gossip, they describe you as rich : As you make a good ten million a day, do you class yourself as a Rich Merchant or not?


I have never classified myself as rich. the rich don,t have to work for a living. So therefore, No I am not rich... 

Well there we have it, a fine Interview with Jim Hawkins : We thank Jim Hawkins for coming in all the way from Chalkos, such a long travel but worth it! Here is your wedges :


Gives 75,000 gold coins...


Many thanks for letting me in this interview room!


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